Installing Mastodon on the Raspberry Pi?

Mastodon is an open-source, decentralized social networking platform. By installing it on a Raspberry Pi, you can host your own personal Mastodon instance with relatively low energy use. This guide will walk through installing Mastodon on Raspberry Pi OS and optimizing the install for the best user experience. Prerequisites Before starting, you’ll need: A Raspberry … Read more

Running SerpBear on the Raspberry Pi?

The Raspberry Pi is a low-cost, credit-card sized computer that can run various operating systems and software. SerpBear is an open-source web scraping and web automation framework that can run on the Raspberry Pi. This guide will walk through installing and running SerpBear on the Raspberry Pi, optimizing it for performance, and using it for … Read more

Using NoMachine on the Raspberry Pi?

NoMachine is a remote desktop software that allows you to access and control a Raspberry Pi from another computer. It provides a secure and responsive graphical interface making it easy to use the full capabilities of the Raspberry Pi remotely. In this article, we will walk through the steps for installing and configuring NoMachine on … Read more

Using the ChatGPT API on the Raspberry Pi?

The ChatGPT API from Anthropic allows developers to integrate conversational AI into their applications. When combined with a Raspberry Pi, the low-cost computer, developers have an affordable way to create innovative voice assistants, chatbots, and other AI-powered projects. Prerequisites Before we begin, you’ll need: A Raspberry Pi computer (any model will work) The latest Raspberry … Read more

How to Monitor the Raspberry Pi’s Temperature?

The Raspberry Pi is a powerful single board computer used for many applications, but it can overheat easily without proper monitoring. Maintaining safe temperatures is essential for stability, performance, and hardware longevity.Fortunately, monitoring the Pi’s temperature is straightforward with several methods available. This guide covers multiple techniques to accurately measure temperatures with software tools and … Read more

How to Install Auto-GPT on the Raspberry Pi?

How to set up the powerful AI assistant Auto-GPT on a Raspberry Pi for natural language processing and automation. The Raspberry Pi is a small, affordable computer that has become wildly popular for DIY computing projects. With the power of the Raspberry Pi and the capabilities of Auto-GPT, an AI assistant created by Anthropic, you … Read more

Running TeslaMate on the Raspberry Pi?

TeslaMate is an open source tool designed to provide Tesla owners with additional visualization and insights about their electric vehicle. With features like trip statistics, location tracking, and efficiency scores, TeslaMate enables deeper analysis of driving habits and usage patterns. Thanks to its open source nature, TeslaMate can run on a wide variety of hardware … Read more

Installing PyTorch on the Raspberry Pi?

PyTorch is an open source machine learning library based on Python that enables fast, flexible experimentation and production deployment. As one of the most popular frameworks for deep learning research and applications, installing PyTorch on a Raspberry Pi allows you to leverage deep learning on the affordable, portable Pi.In this guide, I’ll walk through how … Read more

Using PlayStation Remote Play on a Raspberry Pi?

PlayStation Remote Play allows you to stream and play PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 games on other devices like computers, phones, and even a Raspberry Pi. This guide covers how to set up Remote Play on a Raspberry Pi for remote gaming anywhere with an internet connection. How PlayStation Remote Play Works PlayStation Remote Play … Read more

Installing Unbound for Pi-Hole on the Raspberry Pi?

Configuring Pi-Hole with Unbound offers many security and privacy benefits over using third-party DNS resolvers. This guide will walk you through the process of installing Unbound for use with Pi-Hole on a Raspberry Pi, as well as optimizing the setup for performance and reliability. We’ll cover the reasons for running your own DNS resolver, detail … Read more