Raspberry Pi ADS-B Receiver: Build Your Own Live Flight Tracker?

Aviation enthusiasts and hobbyists can now create their own live flight tracking system using a Raspberry Pi and an ADS-B receiver. ADS-B, or Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast, is a surveillance technology that allows aircraft to transmit their location, altitude, and other information. By setting up a Raspberry Pi ADS-B receiver, you can capture this data and track flights in real-time. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of building and optimizing your own Raspberry Pi ADS-B receiver for live flight tracking.

Raspberry Pi ADS-B Receiver: Build Your Own Live Flight Tracker?

Raspberry Pi ADS-B Receiver

A Raspberry Pi ADS-B receiver is a cost-effective and efficient way to track flights in your area. It consists of a Raspberry Pi single-board computer, an ADS-B receiver dongle, and software that decodes and displays the received data. This setup allows you to capture ADS-B signals from aircraft within range and view the information on a map or in a list format.

Benefits of a Raspberry Pi ADS-B Receiver

  • Cost-effective compared to commercial flight tracking solutions
  • Customizable and expandable
  • Educational value in learning about ADS-B technology and Raspberry Pi
  • Contributes to the ADS-B tracking community by sharing data

Hardware Requirements

To build your Raspberry Pi ADS-B receiver, you’ll need the following components:

  1. Raspberry Pi (3B+ or 4 recommended)
  2. ADS-B receiver dongle (e.g., RTL-SDR, FlightAware Pro Stick)
  3. Micro SD card (at least 8GB)
  4. Power supply (5V, 2.5A or higher)
  5. USB cable
  6. Antenna (if not included with the receiver dongle)
  7. Case (optional)

Software Setup

Once you have the necessary hardware, follow these steps to set up the software on your Raspberry Pi:

  1. Install the Raspberry Pi OS on the micro SD card
  2. Update and upgrade the system
  3. Install the ADS-B decoder software (e.g., dump1090, readsb)
  4. Configure the software to work with your ADS-B receiver dongle
  5. Install a web-based flight tracking interface (e.g., FlightAware, PlaneFinder)

Here’s an example of installing dump1090 on a Raspberry Pi:


sudo apt update

sudo apt install dump1090-mutability

sudo systemctl enable dump1090-mutability

sudo systemctl start dump1090-mutability

Optimizing Reception

To ensure optimal ADS-B signal reception, consider the following factors:

Antenna Placement

Place your antenna as high as possible and away from obstructions. A clear view of the sky is ideal for capturing signals from aircraft at various altitudes and distances.

Antenna Type

Choose an antenna designed for the 1090 MHz frequency used by ADS-B. Common options include:

  • Quarter-wave ground plane antenna
  • Collinear antenna
  • Yagi antenna

Coaxial Cable

Use a low-loss coaxial cable to minimize signal attenuation between the antenna and the receiver dongle. Examples include:

  • RG-6
  • LMR-400
  • Belden 9913

Filters and Amplifiers

In areas with high RF noise or weak ADS-B signals, consider using filters and amplifiers to improve reception:

  • Bandpass filter: Removes unwanted frequencies outside the 1090 MHz range
  • Low Noise Amplifier (LNA): Boosts weak signals while minimizing noise

Displaying and Sharing Flight Data

Once your Raspberry Pi ADS-B receiver is set up and receiving data, you can display and share the information in various ways:

Web-based Interfaces

Use web-based flight tracking interfaces like FlightAware or PlaneFinder to view aircraft positions, flight paths, and details. These platforms often provide additional features like alerts, statistics, and historical data.

Local Network Access

Set up a local web server on your Raspberry Pi to access the flight data from devices on your network. This allows you to view the information on your smartphone, tablet, or computer without relying on an internet connection.

Sharing Data with the Community

Consider sharing your ADS-B data with the flight tracking community. Platforms like FlightAware and ADS-B Exchange aggregate data from multiple sources to provide a more comprehensive view of air traffic. By contributing your data, you can help improve coverage and benefit other enthusiasts.

Exploring Flight Data

With your Raspberry Pi ADS-B receiver up and running, you can explore the captured flight data in various ways:

Real-time Tracking

Watch aircraft move across the map in real-time, and click on them to view details like flight number, altitude, speed, and destination.

Historical Data

Analyze historical flight paths and patterns by accessing past data. This can be useful for spotting trends, identifying busy routes, and monitoring airport activity.

Alerts and Notifications

Set up alerts for specific aircraft, flights, or events. For example, you can receive a notification when a certain plane enters your reception range or when an aircraft declares an emergency.

Integration with Other Data Sources

Combine ADS-B data with information from other sources, such as weather reports, airport schedules, and flight plans. This can provide a more comprehensive understanding of air traffic and help you make informed decisions.

Key Takeaways

  • A Raspberry Pi ADS-B receiver is an affordable and customizable way to track flights in real-time.
  • Proper hardware selection and setup are crucial for optimal ADS-B signal reception.
  • Optimize reception by carefully choosing antenna placement, type, coaxial cable, and using filters and amplifiers when necessary.
  • Display and share flight data using web-based interfaces, local network access, and by contributing to the flight tracking community.
  • Explore real-time tracking, historical data, alerts, and integrate with other data sources to gain valuable insights.


Building a Raspberry Pi ADS-B receiver is an exciting project for aviation enthusiasts and hobbyists. By following this guide, you can create a reliable and customizable live flight tracking system. Remember to prioritize antenna placement and quality components for the best reception. Explore the captured data through web interfaces, local access, and community sharing. With your Raspberry Pi ADS-B receiver, you’ll gain a new perspective on the world of aviation and contribute to the global flight tracking community.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is ADS-B, and how does it work?
    ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast) is a surveillance technology that allows aircraft to broadcast their location, altitude, and other information. ADS-B receivers on the ground capture this data, enabling real-time flight tracking.

  2. Can I use any Raspberry Pi model for an ADS-B receiver?
    While most Raspberry Pi models can be used, it’s recommended to use a Raspberry Pi 3B+ or 4 for optimal performance and compatibility with ADS-B software.

  3. Which ADS-B receiver dongle should I choose?
    Popular options include the RTL-SDR dongle and the FlightAware Pro Stick. Choose a receiver that is compatible with your Raspberry Pi and the ADS-B software you plan to use.

  4. How far can a Raspberry Pi ADS-B receiver detect aircraft?
    The range depends on factors like antenna placement, surrounding terrain, and aircraft altitude. With a well-placed outdoor antenna, you can typically expect a range of 100-200 miles.

  5. Can I use an indoor antenna for my ADS-B receiver?
    While an indoor antenna may work, it will significantly limit the range and performance of your ADS-B receiver. It’s recommended to use an outdoor antenna for the best results.

  6. What is the best antenna placement for optimal ADS-B reception?
    Place your antenna as high as possible with a clear view of the sky. Avoid obstructions like trees, buildings, and mountains.

  7. How can I improve ADS-B reception in areas with high RF noise?
    Use a bandpass filter to remove unwanted frequencies and a low noise amplifier (LNA) to boost weak signals while minimizing noise.

  8. Can I use my Raspberry Pi ADS-B receiver without an internet connection?
    Yes, you can set up a local web server on your Raspberry Pi to access the flight data from devices on your network without an internet connection.

  9. How do I share my ADS-B data with the flight tracking community?
    Platforms like FlightAware and ADS-B Exchange allow you to contribute your ADS-B data. Follow their guides to set up data sharing from your Raspberry Pi ADS-B receiver.

  10. What are the benefits of contributing ADS-B data to platforms like FlightAware?
    By sharing your data, you help improve coverage and provide a more comprehensive view of air traffic. Some platforms offer perks like enhanced flight tracking features for contributors.

  11. Can I set up alerts for specific aircraft or flights?
    Yes, many web-based flight tracking interfaces allow you to set up alerts for specific aircraft, flights, or events, such as when a plane enters your reception range.

  12. How can I access historical flight data with my Raspberry Pi ADS-B receiver?
    Most flight tracking platforms store historical data, allowing you to analyze past flight paths and patterns. You can access this data through their web interfaces or APIs.

  13. Can I integrate ADS-B data with other sources like weather reports?
    Yes, you can combine ADS-B data with information from weather reports, airport schedules, and flight plans to gain a more comprehensive understanding of air traffic.

  14. Is it legal to set up a Raspberry Pi ADS-B receiver?
    In most countries, setting up a personal ADS-B receiver is legal as long as you don’t use the data for commercial purposes without permission.

  15. Do I need any special licenses or permissions to operate an ADS-B receiver?
    Generally, no special licenses or permissions are required to operate a personal ADS-B receiver. However, check your local regulations to ensure compliance.

  16. How much does it cost to build a Raspberry Pi ADS-B receiver?
    The cost varies depending on the components you choose, but you can expect to spend around $100-$200 for a basic setup.

  17. Can I use my Raspberry Pi ADS-B receiver for commercial purposes?
    If you plan to use your ADS-B receiver for commercial purposes, you may need to obtain permission from the relevant authorities and comply with any applicable regulations.

  18. How often should I update the software on my Raspberry Pi ADS-B receiver?
    It’s recommended to regularly update the Raspberry Pi OS and the ADS-B software to ensure optimal performance, security, and compatibility.

  19. Can I connect multiple ADS-B receiver dongles to my Raspberry Pi?
    Yes, you can connect multiple ADS-B receiver dongles to your Raspberry Pi to improve coverage and reception. However, you may need to configure the software accordingly.

  20. What should I do if my Raspberry Pi ADS-B receiver stops receiving data?
    First, check your antenna connection and placement. Then, verify that the software is running correctly and the receiver dongle is properly connected. If the issue persists, consult the documentation or seek support from the relevant community forums.

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