How to Set Up a Raspberry Pi Terraria Server?

Setting up a dedicated Terraria server can be a game-changer for those who enjoy playing the popular sandbox game with friends or a community. While traditional servers require powerful hardware and can be expensive to maintain, a Raspberry Pi Terraria server offers an affordable and energy-efficient solution. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of setting up a Raspberry Pi Terraria server, covering everything from hardware and software requirements to optimization tips.

How to Set Up a Raspberry Pi Terraria Server?

Hardware Requirements

Before we dive into the setup process, let’s discuss the hardware requirements for running a Raspberry Pi Terraria server:

  1. Raspberry Pi: While any Raspberry Pi model can technically run a Terraria server, we recommend using the Raspberry Pi 4 Model B or newer for optimal performance. The Raspberry Pi 4 comes with up to 8GB of RAM and a faster processor, ensuring a smoother gaming experience.
  2. Power Supply: Make sure to use a reliable power supply that can provide enough current to your Raspberry Pi. A high-quality 5V 3A power supply is recommended.
  3. Micro SD Card: You’ll need a micro SD card to install the operating system and store the Terraria server files. A minimum of 16GB is recommended, but a larger capacity card (32GB or more) is better for future updates and expansions.
  4. Ethernet Cable (Optional): While not strictly required, using an Ethernet cable for a wired connection can provide a more stable and faster internet connection compared to Wi-Fi.
  5. Cooling Solution (Optional): If you plan to run the Raspberry Pi Terraria server for extended periods, you may want to consider a cooling solution, such as a heat sink or a fan, to prevent overheating and ensure optimal performance.

Software Requirements

In addition to the hardware, you’ll need to install the necessary software to run the Terraria server on your Raspberry Pi. Here’s what you’ll need:

  1. Raspberry Pi OS: We recommend using the latest version of Raspberry Pi OS (formerly known as Raspbian), which is the official operating system for Raspberry Pi devices.
  2. Mono: Mono is an open-source implementation of Microsoft’s .NET Framework, which is required to run the Terraria server.
  3. Terraria Server Software: You’ll need to download the Terraria server software from the official Terraria website or other trusted sources.

Step-by-Step Guide

Now that you have the necessary hardware and software requirements, let’s dive into the step-by-step process of setting up your Raspberry Pi Terraria server:

1. Install Raspberry Pi OS

Start by installing the latest version of Raspberry Pi OS on your micro SD card. You can find detailed instructions on the official Raspberry Pi website.

2. Update and Upgrade Packages

After booting up your Raspberry Pi, open the terminal and run the following commands to update and upgrade the packages:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

3. Install Mono

Next, you’ll need to install Mono, which is required to run the Terraria server software. Run the following command in the terminal:

sudo apt-get install mono-complete

4. Download and Extract Terraria Server

Visit the official Terraria website or other trusted sources to download the Terraria server software. Once downloaded, extract the files to a location of your choice on the Raspberry Pi.

5. Configure the Terraria Server

Navigate to the extracted Terraria server folder and locate the serverconfig.txt file. Open this file with a text editor (e.g., nano or vim) and configure the server settings according to your preferences. Some important settings include:

  • world: The name of the world file to load on server start.
  • maxplayers: The maximum number of players allowed on the server.
  • port: The port number the server will listen on (default is 7777).
  • password: The password required for players to join the server (optional).

Save the changes and exit the text editor.

6. Start the Terraria Server

In the terminal, navigate to the Terraria server folder and run the following command to start the server:

mono TerrariaServer.exe

The server should now be up and running, and you can connect to it using the Terraria client and the appropriate IP address and port.

Optimization Tips

To ensure optimal performance and a smooth gaming experience, consider the following optimization tips:

  1. Overclock the Raspberry Pi: Overclocking the Raspberry Pi can improve its performance, but be cautious as it can also generate more heat and potentially reduce the lifespan of the device.
  2. Use a Wired Connection: While Wi-Fi can work, a wired Ethernet connection is generally more stable and can provide better performance for hosting a Terraria server.
  3. Allocate More RAM: If you’re experiencing performance issues, try increasing the amount of RAM allocated to the Terraria server process.
  4. Optimize the World: Keep the Terraria world file size as small as possible by removing unnecessary structures or using world editors to optimize the world.
  5. Limit Player Count: While the Raspberry Pi can handle a decent number of players, limiting the maximum player count can help maintain server performance.

Key Takeaways

  • Setting up a Raspberry Pi Terraria server is an affordable and energy-efficient solution for hosting a dedicated server for the popular sandbox game.
  • Ensure you have the necessary hardware (Raspberry Pi, power supply, micro SD card) and software (Raspberry Pi OS, Mono, Terraria server software) before starting the setup process.
  • Follow the step-by-step guide to install the required components, configure the server settings, and start the Terraria server.
  • Optimize the server’s performance by overclocking the Raspberry Pi (with caution), using a wired connection, allocating more RAM, optimizing the world file, and limiting the player count.


Setting up a Raspberry Pi Terraria server is a cost-effective and convenient way to host your own dedicated server for the popular sandbox game. By following the steps outlined in this guide and implementing the optimization tips, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable gaming experience for you and your friends or community. Remember to regularly update the server software and backup your world files to avoid any data loss or issues. Happy gaming!


  1. Can I run a Terraria server on an older Raspberry Pi model?
    Yes, you can run a Terraria server on older Raspberry Pi models, but performance may be limited compared to newer models like the Raspberry Pi 4. It’s recommended to use the latest model for optimal performance.

  2. Do I need a static IP address to host a Terraria server?
    While not strictly required, having a static IP address can make it easier for players to connect to your server. If you have a dynamic IP address, you may need to use a dynamic DNS service or port forwarding.

  3. Can I host multiple Terraria servers on a single Raspberry Pi?
    Yes, it’s possible to host multiple Terraria servers on a single Raspberry Pi, but you’ll need to allocate sufficient resources (RAM, CPU) for each server instance and configure them to use different ports.

  4. How many players can a Raspberry Pi Terraria server support?
    The number of players a Raspberry Pi Terraria server can support depends on the model and available resources. Generally, a Raspberry Pi 4 with 4GB of RAM can handle around 10-15 players comfortably, but performance may degrade with more players.

  5. Can I use a Raspberry Pi Terraria server for other games or applications?
    While this guide focuses specifically on setting up a Terraria server, the Raspberry Pi is a versatile device that can be used for various applications, including hosting other game servers, web servers, media servers, and more.

  6. How do I backup my Terraria world on the Raspberry Pi server?
    To backup your Terraria world on the Raspberry Pi server, simply locate the world file (usually in the
    worlds folder) and copy it to a separate location or external storage device.

  7. Can I run the Terraria server in the background on the Raspberry Pi?
    Yes, you can run the Terraria server in the background on the Raspberry Pi by using a process manager like
    screen or tmux. This allows you to detach the server process and continue using the terminal for other tasks.

  8. How do I update the Terraria server software on the Raspberry Pi?
    To update the Terraria server software on the Raspberry Pi, you’ll need to download the latest version of the server files and replace the existing ones in the server folder. Be sure to backup your world files before updating.

  9. Can I use a Raspberry Pi Terraria server for a large community or public server?
    While a Raspberry Pi Terraria server can handle a decent number of players, it may not be suitable for hosting a large community or public server due to potential performance limitations. For larger servers, it’s recommended to use more powerful hardware.

  10. How do I configure server settings like difficulty, game mode, or world size?
    You can configure various server settings, such as difficulty, game mode, and world size, by editing the
    serverconfig.txt file in the Terraria server folder. Refer to the Terraria server documentation for a full list of available settings.

  11. Can I run mods or plugins on a Raspberry Pi Terraria server?
    Yes, it’s possible to run mods or plugins on a Raspberry Pi Terraria server, but you’ll need to ensure compatibility and follow the installation instructions provided by the mod or plugin developers.

  12. How do I troubleshoot connection issues with the Raspberry Pi Terraria server?
    If you’re experiencing connection issues with the Raspberry Pi Terraria server, try checking your network settings, ensuring the server is running, and verifying that the correct IP address and port are being used. You may also need to configure port forwarding on your router.

  13. Can I use a Raspberry Pi Terraria server for other game modes like Hardmode or Journey Mode?
    Yes, you can use a Raspberry Pi Terraria server for various game modes, including Hardmode and Journey Mode. Simply configure the appropriate settings in the
    serverconfig.txt file.

  14. How do I set up a whitelist or ban list for my Raspberry Pi Terraria server?
    You can set up a whitelist or ban list for your Raspberry Pi Terraria server by editing the
    whitelist.txt or banlist.txt files in the server folder. These files should contain the usernames or IP addresses of players you want to allow or ban from the server.

  15. Can I host a dedicated Terraria server on a Raspberry Pi without a monitor or keyboard?
    Yes, you can host a dedicated Terraria server on a Raspberry Pi without a monitor or keyboard by using SSH (Secure Shell) to access the command line interface remotely from another device.

  16. How much power does a Raspberry Pi Terraria server consume?
    The power consumption of a Raspberry Pi Terraria server is relatively low compared to traditional server hardware. A Raspberry Pi 4 typically consumes around 3-7 watts of power, depending on workload and cooling requirements.

  17. Can I use a Raspberry Pi Terraria server for other games or applications simultaneously?
    While it’s technically possible to run other applications or games on the Raspberry Pi alongside the Terraria server, it’s not recommended as it can impact performance and stability. It’s best to dedicate the Raspberry Pi solely for hosting the Terraria server.

  18. How do I enable or disable specific features like PvP or item dropping on my Raspberry Pi Terraria server?
    You can enable or disable specific features like PvP (Player vs. Player) or item dropping by modifying the appropriate settings in the
    serverconfig.txt file. Refer to the Terraria server documentation for a list of available settings and their descriptions.

  19. Can I use a Raspberry Pi Terraria server for other versions of Terraria, like Terraria: Otherworld?
    This guide is specifically focused on setting up a Terraria server for the original Terraria game. While it may be possible to host other versions or spin-offs like Terraria: Otherworld on a Raspberry Pi, the process and requirements may differ.

  20. How do I troubleshoot performance issues with the Raspberry Pi Terraria server?
    If you’re experiencing performance issues with the Raspberry Pi Terraria server, try implementing the optimization tips mentioned in the guide, such as overclocking the Raspberry Pi (with caution), using a wired connection, allocating more RAM, optimizing the world file, and limiting the player count. You can also try monitoring system resources and adjusting server settings accordingly.

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